Let Zion be Your Space to slow down.
To connect with God. To reflect. To confess.
To think. To pray.
Schedule of All Services
Sunday School 8:45am
Sunday Worship 10:00am
Wednesday Worship 6:30pm
"We gather to grow, we live to serve."

Our Upcoming Events
Lenten Worship
March 26, 6:30pm
Join us for our 'Silent Witness' Wednesday Lenten worship in our sanctuary. This week, we hear from 'the Spear'.
Book Study
March 27, 10:00am
Pastor Karen leads us on a very interesting study of "The Return of the Prodigal Son" by Henri Nouwen.
Come join our group in the church library.
Sunday, March 30
Lent provides another occasion to behold the God of our salvation in the face of the Blessed One who “comes in the name of the Lord.” Join us today!
showing at Zion
Saturday, April 26
at 2:00pm
Zion Leola presents Sight&Sound's Daniel!
Bring your family and friends for this special showing on the screens in our sanctuary. 2:00 pm. Refreshments.
Friday, May 16
Come join us at Zion for our Community Meal. It is dine in and doors open at 6:00pm. It's a great time to gather with neighbors. All are welcome!
Office Hours
Monday - 10:30am - 2:30pm
Tuesday - 10:30am - 2:30pm
Wednesday - 10:30am - 2:30pm
Thursday - 10:30am - 2:30pm
Friday - closed
Saturday - closed
Sunday - closed
Quick Links

Zion Lutheran Church Leola
An ELCA congregation.
Route 23 at Quarry Road
18 Quarry Rd, Leola, PA 17540
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