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Service Opportunities

Get Involved

Zion has many outreach opportunities at the church and in the community. All of our serving opportunities and ministries are open to everyone.  Please click on the button below to email the office for details on any of the opportunities.  Some volunteer opportunities may require a background check. 

  • Leola Community Meal - On the third Friday of each month, a community meal is held at Zion. This meal to FREE to anyone. The meal is served at 6:00 pm here at Zion Lutheran Church, 18 Quarry Road, Leola.

  • Clothing and Food Drives - Zion is a collection point for clothing and food for the CVCCS. You may drop off your items on Sundays from 8 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. or during the week from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Closed on Saturdays. The items can be placed in the coat room.

  • Holiday Craft Show - Zion hosts a Holiday Craft Show and cookie walk on the first Saturday of December. Volunteers are welcome to help during the craft show. If you love to bake, we accept cookies for the cookie walk and baked goods to sell. Most of the proceeds from the Craft Show are donated to local and global ministries and organizations. 

  • Community Waterslide Day - On Saturday, August 10, 2024, Zion will host a Community Water Slide Day with giant waterslides, food, fun, prizes, music and more!  This is a free event for our community and many volunteer opportunities are available.  

  • Homes of Hope Transitional Housing - Zion is a supporter of the Homes of Hope ministry which has a variety of volunteer positions such as budget coach, mentors, cleaning people, and board members. Please click on the button below to email the office to learn more about this ministry. 

  • Partner with Mpata Congregation in Tanzania - Throughout the year, we raise money for our sister congregation, Mpata in Tanzania. One way is through our Poinsettia Alternative on Christmas Eve. 

  • Lutheran World Relief and Lutheran Disaster Response - Throughout the year, we collect monetary donations for LWR and LDR. 

  • Worship volunteers are also welcome - ushers, lectors, assisting ministers, acolytes, nursery, greeters, and more. 

  • Teams - Zion has different teams and committees that you can volunteer on such as Stewardship, Council, Outreach, Worship Planning, Social Ministry, and more. 

  • Habitat for Humanity, Lancaster - To be determined when Habitat has a special event. 

  • CROP Hunger Walk is in October at the New Holland Park.

  • CVCCS Clothing Bank Sort for Seniors - Every other Wednesday at 9 a.m. Seniors (55 and older) meet at the CVCCS to sort through donated clothing. Please click on the button below to email the office for the dates of the clothing sorts.

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Office Hours

Monday - 10:00am - 2:00pm

Tuesday - 10:00am - 2:00pm

Wednesday - 10:00am - 2:00pm

Thursday - 10:00am - 2:00pm

Friday - closed

Saturday - closed

Sunday - closed

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